Arctech Harvests Three Solar Tracking Deals in Mexico

Release time: 2023-02-02 Clicks:

Arctech, the world's leading tracking, racking, and BIPV solutions provider announced it has inked three deals in 2022 to supply nearly 10 MW solar tracking solutions in Mexico, with a positive outlook for the country’s solar future. 


The three projects applied SkyLine II, SkyLine, and SkySmart respectively, showing the diversification of the market needs of the region and Arctech’s solution catering to various scenarios.  

Last December, the United States is offering to help Mexico with loans to finance planned solar power stations in the northern state of Sonora that will significantly increase the clean energy supply, President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said.


According to GTM 2022 Report, “Latin-America-lcoe-2022”, The extensive gas pipeline infrastructure between the US and Mexico and continuous growth in US supply allows gas prices in Mexico to remain at very attractive levels when compared to other Latin-American countries. This leads to very attractive CCGT costs in Mexico. Solar capacity factors in the country can reach more than 31% in some areas. Combined with proximity to the US and access to its local supply chain, and exceptionally low labor costs, it enables Mexico to be the number one market for solar development in the region. The current government, however, has favored fossil fuel energy sources. This has limited the utilization of the country’s world-class renewable resources.